SSIM Latest Updates

Snatak-19th Snatak (convocation)


SSIM's 19th Snatak (convocation) on 22nd October 2013 will have Prof.Driscoll, Vice Chancellor of Middlesex University, UK, as Chief Guest, Prof.Gill, Pro Vice Chancellor, Middlesex University, Dubai as Guest of Honour along with HRH Prince Cedza Dlamini who will be the keynote speaker. The Siva Sivani campus is eagerly waiting to welcome these stalwarts. 

B-School Learned Faculty Award and B-School Intellectual Capital Award 2013


 A small salute to our committed faculty, they work hard they take on new challenges in their stride and try to reach out to each and every student. Here is the response to all that hard work, recognition of their worth and it’s a matter of pride that the Siva Sivani Institute of Management has such a take-charge teamthat has the capacity to “change horses’ mid-ride.” SSIM’s diverse faculty young and older, creative and linear thinking, traditional and modern, local andInternational in their experience is just the right mix for a Management Institute.

SSIM receives the B-School Learned Faculty Award and B-School Intellectual Capital Award 2013 instituted by MBA by Choice and Discovery Education Media Private Limited. Congratulations to the Faculty, Staff and Students of SSIM